Stories, Plays and Literacy Workshops
These projects can form either a full, or a half day visit, depending on your requirements. All are supported by notes for teachers, sent out in advance, to enable you to make the most of the visit. The performances themselves all last between 50 - 60 minutes followed by a number of writing activities led by the actor back in the classrooms.
All of the following performances and workshops have been extremely well received by children and teachers.
It is anticipated that there will be enough activity to fill the whole school day (if required).
Ideally the visits end with a plenary session, where all of the classes involved can share some of the work and take part in a final Q&A session with Chris Connaughotn.
Maximum: (up to 120 children)
Recommended: 2 - 3 classes (60 - 90 children)
‘A master storyteller.' - Christopher Day, The Stage and Television Today
'Chris Connaughton's stories and novels are exciting and inspire children all over the country. His workshops are amazing!' - Jean Evans, educational writer for Scholastic, Harper Collins and Folens Book
'Tales of Odysseus'
A thrilling performance and literacy project for Y4 - Y6
Ideal to support studies of the Greeks, Myths and Legends, literacy themes and Heroes and Villains topics, this exciting version Is filled with rich vocabulary and contains many of the famous episodes from Homer's Iliad and Odyssey - The Trojan Horse, Circe the witch, the one-eyed giant Cyclops, Scilla and Charybdis, the threat of the Sirens' song, and of course, patient, clever Penelope tricking the suitors as she waits for the return of Odysseus himself.
The 50 minute performance is suitable for children in Y4 to Y6 and can be followed by writing and/or drama workshops to develop re-tellings, prose and poetry versions, scriptwriting and performances
Contact 07718048904 or [email protected] to book

Other favourites still in the repertoire for KS2 include:
Treasure Island
A play and writing workshop from Chris Connaughton
This project follows in the tradition of Chris Connaughton’s previous plays and literacy workshops such as Robinson Crusoe, Young Hamlet, and Good Morning Mr Dickens. It aims to bring the classic story to life for upper KS2 children and has a special emphasis on encouraging boys’ reading and enthusiasm for writing.
Enter the old Chandler’s store of telescopes, muskets and pirates’ gold. Sit and listen as he weaves his tale of adventure on the high seas with Blind Pew, Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver - some of the most memorable characters in fiction. Join him on a journey of excitement, skulduggery and danger.
Workshop activities include:
Writing a page from the ship’s log - The children write a formal account of a key episode from the story for the official record log of the Hispanola.
Writing a stowaway’s message – A plea for rescue from Jim Hawkins who is being held captive.
Composing a sea shanty– Inspired by rhythms and rhyming, the class come up with lyrics for a balled or sea shanty to be sung at the end of the day.
Creating a treasure map – Design a map of an island with several features (including X marks the spot!)
Numbers: Up to 120 (or up to 4 classes)
Suitability: Y4, 5 and 6 will find this project useful and accessible.
For more details, or to book Treasure Island for your school, go to the bookings page

First Ideas to First Editions
A writing workshop from Chris Connaughton
‘No other theatre company offers schools the range and quality of work
that Intext does.’ - Head Teacher, Lumley Junior School
‘A must-have!’ – George Heriot’s School, Edinburgh
Aimed at Y5 and 6 (a slightly different format can be arranged for Y4) Chris leads the class on a journey of ideas –
and shares writing techniques that can sometimes help when the ideas just won’t come.
Using the notebooks of his popular ‘Beltheron’ novels as a starting point, he discusses the process of developing a story through to a completed book.
The workshop encourages the children to develop their ideas, search for the best vocabulary,
and to think about style, character and story development.
He gives a performance of rehearsed readings from his books, followed by a Q and A session.
Chris will then set a writing activity and visit all of the classes involved offering advice
and support, and setting extra writing challenges.
Alongside creating imaginative writing through individual and group work, these sessions
will also focus on raising boys’ achievement in literacy by encouraging reading,
and building confidence through in-role Q&A with the author.
Chris will bring complimentary copies of the books for the school library.
Children will also have the opportunity to buy personally signed copies at a discounted cost.
Find out more about the Beltheron books, and buy copies here.
‘If you want one of the best reads ever, just read the Beltheron books.’ – Ben, aged 10
Warning, you won’t be able to stop reading!’ – Lewis, aged 10
‘My son wouldn’t pick up a book before, but he can’t put yours down. Thank you for
introducing him to reading.’ – Parent/teacher at Portsmouth Grammar School
‘Getting Y6 motivated at this time of year is extremely difficult and the work
has now lasted all week. Once again a thousand thanks.' - Redby Junior School
Robinson Crusoe An actor has been touring in a play about Robinson Crusoe. Now he is on his way home, but is stranded in an airport at the far side of the world.
He begins to tell the classic story and talks to the audience about himself and his family at home. As he gradually reveals not only the tale of the famous castaway, but also the story of his own life, we realise that there are many similarities between the actor and Crusoe himself...
A journal entry to describe your first day on the island.
A message in a bottle with a letter for loved ones at home.
Designing a detailed labelled map of the island.
Suitability Y5 and Y6.
Numbers Maximum: up to 120 or 4 classes
Recommended: 60-90 or 2-3 classes
Book 'Robinson Crusoe' for your school.
Good Morning Mr Dickens!
Charles Dickens greets the class and tells episodes from Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby and other favourites. He explains about his inspiration and encourages the children to join in with inventing their own stories.
A version of this production was originally devised by Paul Harman and Chris Connaughton at CTC Theatre.
A descriptive story, written against a deadline, about a journey through the Victorian streets.
A letter home, persuading a parent to collect you from the "Yorkshire School".
A polemic piece of writing on a topic of current concern.
Suitability: Y5 and Y6 in particular have found this project to be accessible and useful.